Montrose School

music notes

Music plays a special part in life at Montrose. There is a purpose built music room which is well stocked with musical instruments. Children are taught how to appreciate music of different styles and from different eras. In addition they have the opportunity to compose their own music using a variety of different musical structures and using commercial software.

All children in Key Stage 2 take part in singing productions. There is also two choirs, a string ensemble and wind group that are all free to attend. Children from Year 3 upwards can opt to have individual instrumental lessons. If children are eligible for Free School Meals then they pay a reduced rate for their lessons. At present children can learn to play the violin, viola, cello, double bass, piano, flute, saxophone, clarinet, trombone, euphonium trumpet, steel pans, acoustic and electric guitar and even the drums. The school has an extensive range of instruments that children can borrow free of charge. Children are also able to take part in RockSteady for a small fee. This allows them to create their very own rock band! There are music concerts at least two times a year. In addition to this all the children perform in school productions that combine singing, dancing and drama.  A letter about music lessons can be downloaded here.

The school uses a lot of songs from the website below. Please have a look at this website because there is a section for families.

Children will have the opportunity to listen to a range of quality live music throughout the year. Pupil are able to go on a wide range of trips and events every year to broaden their musical experiences. Examples are Young Voices, a performance at De Montfort Hall and linking with others in the community. 


Music Development Plan

Wigston Lane, Leicester, Leicestershire

0116 2832328